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Impact Futbol Club


Impact FC

Meeting Minutes

March 5, 2019

7:00 pm

Type of Meeting: Monthly Membership Meeting

Meeting Facilitators: Executive Board

In Attendance: Chris Barker, Michael Frisbee, Jamie Baril, Jaime Brown, Marcie Miller, Lynn Kunkle, Willem Durand

I.      Call to order at 7:12pm

II.      Approval of minutes from last meeting-Approved

III.      Financial report-Presented by Jaime Brown

IV.      New business

a)      Field/Gym Space Availability-Due to obvious poor weather, finding space continues to be a daily battle. It is literally out of our hands if we use a field, we are at the mercy of the City or County. We cannot black out indoor facilities because if we do not need that indoor space, it is unfair to ALL the folks we block out by doing that-not to mention the business lost at the facility if we book it out for “x” amount of time, and then we cancel, and in the meantime other people would have booked and used and paid for it.  OR the situation can be we still have to pay despite not using a space, so the club is double paying. We are slowly adding more places to our indoor list.  We now have First Baptist on certain days, and are speaking with Montessori. Training will begin to be made up on Saturday’s because we are aware that training is being paid for, and it will be given to the best of our ability.

b)      Summer Camp/Team Camp Dates- June 10th-14th and July 15th-19th. Justin Moose will be coming down as a guest for the first summer camp. Team Camps may be held right before school starts, the week of July 29th

c)      Concession Stand Sign Genius is coming out. March 17th will be the first week to take signups.

d)     College Prep Scheduled for last week of March or first week of April at Statesville Christian, it will be on Tuesday or Thursday to fill up a training session for the kids who need it. Also, several schools would like to come down and play with our showcase teams. More info to come.


V.      Old business

a)      State Cup Host Date (May 4th & 5th)

b)      Crossroads Classic Date (May 18th & 19th)-Be sure to mention this to any coaches, parents, etc you meet along your journey to various Impact games. Get the word out there. This is OUR tournament!!! 

c)      2019/2020 Tryouts Date (May 20th -24th)

d)     *********It is a REQUIREMENT that every team has AT LEAST one representative present.  It is in the by-laws and if teams do not start sending someone, or more than one person, teams can and will be fined.********

VI.      Adjournment @ 7:32pm

Next Monthly Meeting – April 3rd at 7:00 pm

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